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In order to be included in the conference, at least one author per accepted paper/poster must register for the conference.


Paper Submission:

Prospective authors are invited to submit their papers by uploading them to the evaluation website (EasyChair). If you have not used EasyChair before, please create a new account first. To upload your paper, login and click "New Submission" at the top.

The first page of the draft paper should include: title of the paper, name, affiliation, postal address, email address for each author, and the track(s) that the paper is addressing. The first page should also identify the name of the contact author and a maximum of five topical keywords that would best represent the content of the paper.

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Important Dates:

May 15, 2017: Submission of full papers (about 7 pages) (Extended)
May 25, 2017: Notification of acceptance (+/- two days)
June 5, 2017: Final papers + Copyright + Registration
July 17-20, 2017: The 2017 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering and Applied Computing



Call for Posters

The 2017 International Conference on Security and Management (SAM'17) encourages the submission of posters to provide an environment for demonstrating and discussing work in progress, and industry presentations of new applications, techniques, technologies, or approaches in the field of computer and network security. Interested authors are invited to submit a short proposal illustrating the main contributions of their posters. Proposals should contain an abstract stressing the motivation and rationale for their contribution. Poster may reflect initial results of the work.

Posters will be evaluated mainly on their ability to promote discussion, inspire the exchange of ideas, and foster collaborations among conference participants. Poster proposals must conform to IEEE writing style guidelines with 3 pages maximum including title, authors' affiliation, abstract, content, figures, and references.

Accepted posters will be published as an extended abstract. The maximum number of pages for the extended abstract is 2.

Poster boards will be provided on site at the conference. The poster boards will be large enough to accommodate 8 US standard size stationaries to be pinned on them using 4 rows with 2 pages per row, or 2 rows with 4 pages per row. The poster board sizes are 45 inches x 22 inches. The boards can be flipped if desired. Two poster boards next to each other for one accepted poster can be arranged if needed.

Submissions should be emailed to the Posters Co-chairs, Esmiralda Moradian ( or Cathryn Peoples (